The result? My GPU's idle temperature is now at a nice and cool 77ºC :P Watching a 20 minute anime raised it to 83ºC. Well, at least now I have a pc that's much, MUCH more silent! Anyway, if anyone knows a silent, (preferably fanless) nVidia GPU with enough horsepower to play FullHD movies, feel free to drop a comment ;-)
Note: I'm not a gamer, so basic 3D render and FullHD is about all I require from a GPU.
EDIT TO ADD: the way to discover where the noise is coming from, is to stop each fan, one at a time, and see which one yields the biggest noise reduction. The proper way to stop a fan is to press your finger against its central spindle, until it stops. It's painless, for both the fan and your finger! ;-)
2 replies:
aaaah... porque é que não perguntas ao subtil? :P
Não é preciso, já comprei esta coisa :P
How I love the sound of silence! :D
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